School Uniform
Dear Families,
We are pleased to share with you our new arrangements for ordering school uniform and our expectations for school dress code. We would like to encourage children to wear our school uniform as we believe it reflects our school value of togetherness.
Our Uniform Expectations are as follows:
Pupils should wear:
a white polo shirt (with or without logo)
a green (grey or green if still using our old uniform) sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece as preferred
grey or black shorts, trousers, leggings, skirt, culottes or pinafore as preferred
Optional: green gingham summer dress
On days when they have PE, children should come dressed in their kit and we would like children to follow the dress code below in the same way as the above uniform. The children should wear:
either a white t-shirt or a yellow, red or green t-shirt as appropriate for their school family (with or without logo).
a green school sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece (weather dependent) as preferred (grey or green if still using our old uniform)
Black shorts, jogging trousers or leggings as preferred
We are now going to use 2 separate companies
Schoolwear Made Easy, who have, over recent years, provided us with our uniform. They are an easy to use online company.
Black Bear Designs a Westhill based, independent company. As it is a smaller company, there is a 5p increase in the price compared to the price offered by a larger company. Please note that if you order from Black Bear Design, it is local pick-up of items only. Their website is under construction but they can be contacted on Facebook, Instagram – @blackbear.designs, and via Email –
Schoolwear Made Easy have a number of items still in stock and will be selling these at reduced prices (£3 per item) to avoid them going to landfill. We will have an extended transition period where we are happy for pupils to continue to wear the old style uniform for as long as it lasts. Schoolwear Made Easy will start selling our new school uniform from Monday 20th June 2022.
As Blackbear Designs do not have their website running yet we have attached their current ordering form (this should be sent direct to Blackbear and not to the school). You will see there are drop down boxes for people to choose their size, colour (for crew neck), and the price should automatically come up once quantity is inputted. There are a few lines between each item of clothing for space for different ages for siblings. Fleeces are due to be available to buy from the supplier in July, but Blackbear will take pre-orders for them in the meantime if people want to order. If you prefer you can just contact Laura through Facebook / Instagram / email and order without the form.
Facebook – Black Bear Designs
Instagram – @blackbear.designs
Email –